The Birds of Cambodia, An Annotated Checklist addresses this need. The book provides an exhaustive account of all 599 bird species confirmed for Cambodia to date, with information on seasonal status, abundance, habitats, altitude range and distribution, in addition to notes on breeding and conservation status. Over 80 species are illustrated by colour photographs taken in the wild in Cambodia.
The introduction presents the country’s natural geography, major habitats, protected areas, ornithological history and survey coverage, as well as threats to birds and conservation successes and challenges. Species accounts summarise current knowledge for each species, and are systematically listed with their English, scientific, French and Khmer names, including transliteration. Detailed reviews of records are also provided for rarities and all species of conservation concern, together with a proposed national conservation category.
This landmark in Cambodian ornithology is the result of 12 years of observations and ornithological surveys by the author who lived and travelled extensively in the country from 1994 to 2006, followed by six years of detailed review on a secluded French island. It will undoubtedly become the standard reference for conservationists and ornithologists in Cambodia, as well as all birdwatchers visiting the Kingdom.”
516 pages + Cover
Palatino Linotype
Helvetica Neue LT Std
Khmer OS Bokor
18 cm X 25 cm [ 7.0866142 inches X 9.8425197 inches ]